Author page: Bennie Daigle


At the July LHSCA Convention the LSCA membership elected new officers for the 2019-2021 years.  The Executive officers serve two year terms.  The following Executive officers were elected: President                                                               President-Elect Wade Strother – Southwood                                    Amy Pitre – St Amant Vice-President                                                        …

March 5, 2018 Deadlines for Nominations for Scholarships, All-Stars, Hall of Fame and Distinguished Service Nominations

Several deadlines are approaching.  Deadlines for nominations for Scholarship, All-Stars, LSCA Hall of Fame and LSCA Distinguished Service are march 5, 2018. For Scholarships go to this link:   For All-Stars go to this link: For LSCA Hall of Fame go…

Directories Have Been Mailed

Directories are in the mail.  If you have paid your membership dues and have not received a directory, please contact Bennie Daigle If you detect any errors, omission, etc. in the directories, please contact Bennie Daigle.